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Selected Deck: The Llewellyn Tarot (about this deck) Selected Layout: Ten Card Spread Your Tarot Reading About the Cards in Your Reading Eight of Cups In the Querent position Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her. A court card here might refer to the querent or some dominant person. Meaning: Turning away. Giving up. Finding that something or someone was not a healthy influence. River run dry. Choosing to sacrifice in order to make a clean break and start afresh elsewhere. Abandoning a dream. Changing directions. The dawn of something new. A quest with heart. Bravery. Heeding the call. Return to Top Ten of Cups In the Subconscious Mind position Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent. Meaning: Full heart. Blessings. Higher, mature love. True love. Real companionship. Dreams come true. Safety, security, and satisfaction. A giving relationship. Natural order. Home providing joy. Thanksgiving. Trust. A feeling of arrival and freedom. Fruitful partnership. Deep connection. Joining of talents make for a powerful, creative force. Fortunate, natural pairing. Harmony. A dreamy partnership as a source of light and benefit to others. Return to Top The Chariot In the Subconscious Mind position Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent. Meaning: Triumph. Victory parade. Success of a multifaceted endeavour. Leadership, competence, and maturity. Conquest. An evolved personality. Courage. Being centered and secure. Moral, ethical progress and conduct. A high-minded, honourable approach to life. Balance, integration. Harmony of opposite tensions. Equilibrium. Reconciling opposing forces or views. Uniting right and left brain functions. Control over inner conflicts. Harnessing wild energies. Life unfolding at an accelerated pace, yet maintaining direction. Finding one¹s stride. Enjoying the thrill and ride of life. Engaging an ambition or dream. Achievement. High energy. Promotion, honours, and reward. Overcoming opposition. May indicate a rescue, as in the arrival of the cavalry. Return to Top The Emperor In the Conscious Mind position Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3). Meaning: A strong leader. A man of power and responsibilities. Protection. Conviction and self-sacrifice. A strong, masculine influence. Integrity and ethics. A father figure. Worldly power. Stability and reason. Compassion. Wisdom and aid. Conquest. Masculine, sexual energy. A competitive nature. Fair play. Competence. A flexible mind open to the ideas of others. Established, relaxed authority. Courage. Reason ruling emotion. Thought for the greater good. Return to Top The Tower In the Conscious Mind position Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3). Meaning: Destruction. Major change. Unheeded warnings. Greed, pride, arrogance. Revolution. Breakdown or breakthrough‹ the positive or negative implications of the card depend on the querent's position. If one has been living under oppression, dramatic and possible traumatic change will be freedom, but if one has been living the high life off the toil of others, expect reversal of fortune and loss. Irrepressible tantrum of change. Eruption. Triumph over enslaving, compulsive behaviours such as addiction or obsessive complexes. Collapse of the old system or lifestyle. Destruction of gains made by ill means. Clearing of the air. Cleansing destruction. Change of values. Return to Top Justice In the Past position Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem. Meaning: Deliberating. Search for truth and justice. Weighing an issue or situation. Striving for balance and equilibrium. Remaining impartial or centered, and so capable of fair judgment. Insight. Honesty and honour. Discriminating logic. The value of order. The triumph of reason. Appropriate response. Karma. Law of cause and effect. Negotiating. Equal partnerships. Legal affairs. Favourable judgment in legal matters. Selfgovernment. Having the inner strength and confidence not to be swayed by the opinions of others. Internal balance achieved by being temporarily unattached to an outcome. Having the patience to allow Justice time to determine Her course. Having the courage, strength, and conviction to uphold and implement justice. Taking the right action, even if unpopular or costly. The card can relate to civil justice or the concept of divine justice. Return to Top Six of Cups In the Past position Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem. Meaning: Friendship. Play. Remembering past happiness and childlike innocence. Renewal. Nostalgia. Pleasant company. Reminiscing with old friends. Drawing strength from shared experiences. Being understood and appreciated. Teamwork. Taking pleasure in simple, wholesome activities and surroundings. Seeing the good in life. Return to Top The Moon In the Final Outcome position Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences. Meaning: Disorientation. Powerful emotions and imagination. Intuition. Empathy. Creativity and sensitivity. Illusion. Wild visions. Mercy. Intense, valuable dreams. A need to control emotions, lest one becomes fascinated by phantasmagoric dreams and flashes from the subconscious. The underworld. Primordial instincts. Powerful mood swings. Hysteria. Memory. Shadows. Shifting shapes. Familiar landscape transformed under the light of the moon. Seeking mysteries. Strange encounters. Personality complexes. Increasing sensitivity to unseen forces. Magnetism. Tides of emotion. Art source. A fertile period, but a need for conscious control over fears and imagination. The light of reason needed to guard against influence and deception. Return to Top Three of Pentacles In the Final Outcome position Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences. Meaning: Skill. Craft. Making use of talents. Marketable skill or idea. An inherent ability that is a great asset of more than mere monetary value. Being able to take interest and pride in humble work. Finding comfort and peace in one's work. Steady, sure progress. Earning a reputation for quality, though not recognizing your own worth. Maturity and pleasant work environment. Return to Top Two of Pentacles In the Outside Forces and Psychological Implications position This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt. Meaning: Fluctuating economic fortune. Balancing act. Tricky launch of a new project. Qualms. Risky venture. Timing and dexterity. Shadowy scene and cunning characters. Juggling resources. Thinking on your feet. Agility needed to sail high seas. Uncanny instinct. Crafty business partner. A vague, even peculiar situation that keeps one guessing and on their toes. The dance of opposites. Ambiguity. Return to Top About the Deck The Llewellyn Tarot By: Anna-Marie Ferguson From the creator of the popular Legend: The Arthurian Tarot Kit, this lavishly illustrated deck offers universal appeal (based on Rider-Waite) with a Welsh twist. Denne kanalen har jevnt over 1-5 besøkende. Sist dette forandret seg, betød det ekstremt dårlig nytt i form av angiveri. Jeg oppdaget en plutselig spike i seertall, og vips stod ondskapen ved portene. Vel, nå har det skjedd igjen. En spike i seertall. Dette på en mandag, uten at jeg har gjort noe for å henlede til min hjemmeside. Antakelig er det PST som undersøker dissentere nå som dette er oppe i vinden med den motbydelige årsrapporten deres. Et annet alternativ er at det sinnforvirrede og avskyelige kvinnemennesket som anga meg (Jeg har navnet på heksa) fortsatt besøker denne siden jevnlig, for å finne noe å angi. Edit: Ved ettertanke kan det være aktivister, som ønsker å doxxe eller henge meg ut.
Jeg har ingen sympati med rotter. Rettferdigheten vil innhente dere tilslutt. Det gjelder både systemtjenere og systemdroner. Dere har ingen plass blant de verdige. Jeg har gått gjennom to hurtige skifter i paradigme den senere tid. Rett nok har hver av disse skiftene levd under jorden som ubevisste strømninger i en årrekke, ja, kanskje mange tiår, men bevisst erkjennelse er noe annet. Det første området er samfunnsmessig. Lenge trodde jeg at vestens forfall og undergang var en uungåelig biologisk prosess, et resultat av entropi og forfall. Nå forstår jeg at noen har sprøytet giften direkte inn, slik at frøet av gjenfødelse aldri kan spire. Vi er nå utsatt for verdens største folkemord, og saueflokken jubler. Bedre menn enn meg har blitt drevet til selvmord av slike tragedier. Heraklits tårer blir intet mot nåtidens nedrighet. Det andre skiftet er innen kjønnsrelasjoner. Jeg har vært i ferd med å lage en podcast der jeg omtaler status som høyeste imperativ for kvinner. Det ville vært sant for 50 år siden, men verden har forandret seg siden den gang. Jeg har blitt grundig tilbakevist av denne ubestridelige visdommen. Rett nok er tilstanden i dag en boble som er uholdbar i lengden, men enn så lenge lever vi i en verden hvor mannens(!) utseende betyr nesten alt. Denne traff meg spesielt hardt. Når kvinner begynner å bry seg om status er det forsent. |
Tenkeren som kan tenke og siste sannferdige mann i vest. En større erotiker enn Sokrates og Sade, og den som har utkjempet kriger lenge før noen kunne forstå og akseptere at det var en krig. Det skrikende blod og skjebnen, det er Tranås Categories
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