Four of Swords - Reversed
In the Moon position
Home matters.
Meaning: Prison. Excessively strict environment. Exile and depression. Abandonment. Exhaustion caused by battling overwhelming odds over an extended time. Fruitless struggle.
The Lovers - Reversed
In the Mercury position
Business matters and skills.
Meaning: Temptation. Infidelity. Sweet nothings. Unworthy suitor. Careless treatment of others. Division. Conflict. Longing and frustration. Wasting in waiting. Love thwarted by interference and jealousy.
Seven of Swords
In the Venus position
Love and relationships.
Meaning: Resignation. Acceptance. Limited success. Releasing of the old renews the spirit. Rejecting outside expectations for an individually fashioned lifestyle. End of an ordeal. Negotiations. Independent thinking. Confidence. Release from the grip of material questing for higher pursuits.
Queen of Cups
In the Sun position
Fame and achievements.
Meaning: A woman of imagination. Romantic, compassionate air. One who encourages the dreams and talents of others. Generosity and care. A loyal lover. A genuine heart. Virtue. Protection. A cultured, refined woman who is wise in matters of the heart. For a male querent she can represent true love; for a woman a romantic confidant or rival. Even as rival she is just and honest, believing in fair play.
The Wheel of Fortune
In the Mars position
Adversity and opposition.
Meaning: Surprise. Change of fortune. Unexpected turn of events. Good luck. Progression. Windfall. Measurable time or natural cycle. Upturn of the wheel. Improvement. After struggles, obstacles give way and plans engage. Breakthrough and movement. Blind fortune. Chance. Moods of fate. Surmounting difficulties. Relief from another's oppression. The Wheel of Fortune can herald random change neither sought nor deserved, reminding us that fate sometimes rewards the unworthy while denying those deserving of luck. The card also carries a warning to the vain and fame seekers, in that what went up must come down, and at times depicts the figure atop the wheel with the ears of an ass. The wheel can represent a natural shift of circumstance or phase in life, such as the change from adolescent to adult, adult to middle age, etc.
Nine of Swords
In the Jupiter position
Gain and expansion.
Meaning: Nightmares, suspicion, and insecurity. Depression weighing one down. Worry and delays. Longing and misery. Pining for a loved one. Distress and obsession. The haunting of past hurts and injustices. Debilitating, unhealthy situation. Unrelenting enemy. Loneliness. Indecision. Bewilderment. Premature end.
Eight of Wands - Reversed
In the Saturn position
Meaning: Change of heart. Remorse. Quarrels amidst partners and friends. Pangs of conscience. Cost of being unprepared. Choosing to let an opportunity or love die. Fear someone or something too hard to handle or a price too high to pay.