Som jeg har vært inne på, mitt optimale liv som erotiker hadde vel antakelig vært å være en kokainavhengig pornograf en gang på åttitallet, kanskje litt tidligere. I alle tilfeller, dette gir meg lyst til å detonere i galskap overfor en eller annen amoralsk kvinne. Hva trenger du, egentlig? Og kvinner kan nok verdsette skamløsheten. Sangen, altså dette coveret er laget to år før jeg hadde min første befatning med fitte. På den måten overgår jeg på en helsprø måte de fleste chads. Åpenbart at det er åpenbart.
You are an obsession (You are an obsession)
I cannot (I cannot sleep) sleep
I am a possession (I am your possession)
Unopened at your feet
There's no balance (There is no balance)
No equality (No equality)
Be still (Be still)
I will not (I will not) accept defeat (accept defeat)
I will have you
Yes, I will have you
I will find a way and I will have you
Like a butterfly
A wild butterfly
I will collect you and capture you
I feed you I drink you
My day and my night
I need you I need you
By sun or candlelight
You protest; you want to leave
Stay, oh, (there's no alternative) there's no alternative
Your face appears again
I see the beauty there
But I see danger
Stranger beware
Of circumstance in your naked dreams
Your affection is not what it seems
My fantasy (My fantasy) has turned to madness (has turned to madness)
And all my goodness (and all my goodness) has turned to badness (has turned to badness)
My need to possess you has consumed my soul
My life is trembling; I have no control
You are an obsession