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Selected Layout: Ten Card Spread
Positively radiating witchy energy, this easy-to-use tarot showcases beautiful and evocative digital artwork. Echoing the traditional Rider-Waite structure, each card includes instantly recognizable Pagan symbols that resonate with today's Witch.
Strength - Reversed
In the Querent position
Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her. A court card here might refer to the querent or some dominant person.
Meaning: Feeling helpless. Inhibition, fear, doubt. Control issues.
Two of Swords - Reversed
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: Being forced to face your suppressed emotions. Conflict, injustice, obstinacy.
Knight of Cups
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: A romantic and intuitive young man with blond hair and green or blue eyes will arrive soon. This court card often represents a sensitive, gallant, and chivalrous man. He is perceptive, empathic, and maybe a little reserved. He carefully protects his feelings, which is illustrated by the armor. The Knight of Cups characterizes someone who is faithful and true, who believes in magick, chivalry, and honor. They are the best friend a person could hope for, and they will probably love once and love deeply. This card often turns up when there is about to be a proposition or tryst. This card also symbolizes movement and travel or a kind or chivalrous act. Expect romance, visions of what is to come, magick, and new, creative opportunities.
The challenge of the Knight of Cups is this: will you scry within the surface of the cup to see what will be or look for a vision of your future lover? Flow with the element of water, and seek your mystical answer.
Keywords: A romantic young man. Romance, a proposition or a tryst. A chivalrous act, integration of the Divine Feminine, dreams, a quest, movement and travel.
Four of Swords - Reversed
In the Conscious Mind position
Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: Feeling that you have been banished from a group. Rejection, exhaustion.
The Lovers
In the Conscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: The Lovers is a card of relationships and choice. This card illustrates the power of love, desire, destiny, romance, and attraction. It celebrates challenges overcome so that two lovers can be together. The angel in this Major Arcana card may be thought of as a matchmaker, but she may also be a protective force for the couple. The angel is a symbol of destiny. She is there to show us how every choice we make can affect our future. The angel reminds us to choose wisely.
Keywords: Sexual love, beauty, a romantic relationship. Decisions, commitment. Choices to be made. The choice you make now will affect your future. Love heals.
Karma - Reversed
In the Past position
Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: Bad judgment, regret. Feeling the unfortunate consequences of the magickal rule of three. What goes around comes around.
Queen of Cups
In the Past position
Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: This card represents a mature woman who is mystical, empathic, sensual, loving, and emotional. She is a water-sign woman, a loyal wife and mother, and a best friend. A natural Witch, she loves nature, animals, and her children and partner with equal intensity. This is a card that denotes a gifted psychic and a woman of strong intuitive and magickal talents. Physically this card may represent a fair woman with blond hair and blue or green eyes. This card has link to the High Priestess card as well, since both are cards of female power and intuition.
When the Queen of Cups washes up into your readings, remember that all psychic talents are affected by your emotions. The message of the Queen of Cups is reflection. Calm your emotions, and be loving and gentle. Allow the healing and magick of the element of water to wash over you and bring visions into your world.
Keywords: Serenity, love. A water-sign woman. Dedication, a loving wife and mother. A natural Witch or talented psychic. Reflection, emotional healing, the gifts of clairvoyance and empathy.
The Wheel of the Year
In the Final Outcome position
Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: This card symbolizes the magick of the four seasons and the energies of the Wheel of the Year. When this card turns up in a reading, it is a message to work with the energies and the cycles of nature that are currently around you, and not against them. This means rest and introspection in the winter; new beginnings, growth, and opportunities in the spring; energy, excitement, bounty, and vibrancy in the summer; and abundance and reminders to prepare, gather, and remember in the autumn. Expect there to be change, as all of life is forever transforming and growing. This card classically represents good luck, opportunity, and a fortuitous event.
Keywords: The Wheel of the Year, celebrating the sabbats and esbats. Good luck. Working with the energies and magick of each season.
Eight of Cups
In the Final Outcome position
Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: This card symbolizes the need to move on in your life. The need to move forward might be a physical relocation such as moving for a job or moving to a new home, or this may be an emotional shift. Either way, the message of the Eight of Cups should be honored. If your move is emotional, then set some healthy boundaries. Put the past behind you and go forward with determination to a better, happier, and healthier place. If you are physically moving, then go forward and enjoy the positive changes in your life.
Keywords: Moving on with your life, leaving the past behind you, setting healthy boundaries.
Five of Swords
In the Outside Forces and Psychological Implications position
This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt.
Meaning: When the Five of Swords appears in a reading, it is a signal that the querent is feeling humiliated and embarrassed. This is only a partial defeat, and they are still in control. Don't give up! Shift things around and look for more possibilities. Allow the element of air to bring some fresh air and a new perspective into your life. Heed the message of the dragonfly and see through the illusions of others. Transform your life into something bright and wonderful.
Keywords: Embarrassment, illusion, trickery. Learn to laugh at yourself and keep going forward.