Before Christ, the masculine ideal in the Middle East was the man able to speak in prose. In the desert, there were two ways to acquire a title of nobility: the sword and poetry. A man of the desert cannot guarantee his power by owning land. It would be absurd, we are in the desert! It was for this environmental reason that the man considered the most virile was the man who is able to speak in rhymed prose, while he is in the midst of war, in the midst of battle. He awakens the passions of his companions and his disciples and he shows his enemy that he is not afraid. Today, we can still see people showing a little this instinct. We respect someone who can be funny because he shows that he is so comfortable in a social situation that he is able to fully express his creativity. He is not afraid, so he can manifest his creativity fully. The Poet of the desert was this man who showed the sensitivity of his soul before the danger. He satirizes, he speaks of gods in front of fighters, in front of his enemies, in front of the uncertainty of the desert and in front of his inevitable killing ... In truth, he is strong to show the feminine of his personality and we said then that the gods and goddesses speak through these ideal men. Not afraid! Creativity in front of adversity! True love for destiny. After Christ, after the Alpha and the Omega who spoke eloquently in the language of low-caste men, the Aramaic, after there was faith in the discourse of absolute Truth descended on earth, there has been an impoverishment of the oriental language. There was a time the word has become more masculine in a way, it has become more direct, less poetic, less beautiful ... Today, there are only mediocre dialects left. Whereas in the past there was a sort of hierarchy of speech. The plebbe had her little words and her vulgar words. Noble men had their beautiful language and their sattires. Eastern man projected the supposed discourse of truth onto the outside world, his moods and desires are no longer a source of truth for him. For him, they are the source of evil itself and therefore there can be no more hierarchy of speech. Obviously,there can be no more hierarchy of expression of desires...The effort of men of God has stopped this tradition intrinsic to the environment of the desert. So, in the Middle East, Christ was also a symbol of death in a sense... Your video made me think about this union between the feminine and the masculine.
I was just thinking something similar the other day! The logos is the word, the breath, speech, is the masculine embodiment of the feminine spirit. This is the muse/poet dynamic, or the medieval knight/lady dynamic
If Christ was the man who killed the Feminine spirit/poetry in the Middle East, Socrates was his equivalent in Europe... There was a same psychic reality that manifested itself in those two regions.
En interessant tanke er om det dionysiske element ikke kan sies å være feminint, all den tid det er instinktuelt og emosjonelt. Man må ha balanse i alle ting. Det er farlig å ignorere en gud. Kanskje kommer jeg frem til mer etter å ha meditert over saken.