Den andre forklaringen fant jeg i kommentarfeltet:
Men who don't have women become obsessed with places where women are. Most of the characters in that show are female, and likable. If they were humans that had the same personalities, all of them would make exceptional partners. Writing them off as autists is a mistake. This is a modern version of hoard formation. In the past wild men would mass into an army and invade civilization looking for women. That instinct is distracted by the pretty colors coming out of the box. The same thing happens with anime. I suspect that if these men didn't have this type of outlet, society would have collapsed much sooner than it has. If feminists are successful in destroying shows like this, and anime, as they have gaming and comics, the last of the non-violent outlets will be closed and these lunatics will finally do something. Look for something a lot like a Western version of ISIS to form over the next few years.
Alt dette er nok meg, og mer. Som noen påpekte det, forby anime og dataspill, og vesten kommer til å være gjenerobret av blodtørstende krigerhorder i løpet av få år.
Jeg. Skal. Ha. Sommerfuglvingene.
Fant enda mer gull i kommentarfeltet:
Another aspect possibly overlooked is SPD or Sensory Processing Disorder, in some cases with autism or aspergers (myself included) there can be an increased sensitivity towards colour. If you look at some of the other subcultures such as furries for examples a lot of it can be all based around extreme colours.
Dette er jo meg. Jeg er ekstremt fascinert av lys og farger. Det er som kokain for meg. Hva kan jeg si? Jeg ble født som en større sjel enn denne verdens steiner. Nå råker det mot tragedie for de fleste. Kanskje kan jeg unnslippe og bo som en neanderthaler i en geitegård, og kidnappe en sart skapning for å tilfredsstille driftene.
Ytterst sett blir det å skape seg en jernborg og danne en jerngarde for å holde på feene.