In the Querent position
Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her. A court card here might refer to the querent or some dominant person.
Meaning: Opportunity. Swift response. Thinking on one¹s feet. Opening. Adventure. Chance to make great progress if one has the courage and wits to act quickly. Travel entailing a spiritual lesson. Can signify falling in love. Time of hope. Make your move. Opportunity afoot; make haste. Whirlwind of romance. Arrows of love.
The Star
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: Hope. Inspiration. Guiding star. Moment of grace and peace. Freedom. Early signs of life taking on a new pattern. Freedom after trials. Chance for escape. First sign of dawn. Release. Self-reliance. Clever, inspired ideas. Listening for direction. A quickening. Salvation. Empowerment. Destiny. A time of farseeing. Taking steps to save one's self‹not giving into resignation. Enlightened idea. Planning. Thaw of the ice. Return of life force. Rejuvenation. Drawing strength from nature.
Seven of Pentacles
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: Bounty comes of patience and ingenuity. The fair and just treatment of others. Growth in personal and business life. Feeling of well-being. Satisfaction in work. Profit. A card of goodwill. The repaying of past kindness. Stability and steady progress. Reaping what has been sowed.
Page of Cups
In the Conscious Mind position
Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: Good news. Invitation. A cheerful young person with a trusting heart. Optimism. Romantic interest. Imagination. Playfulness. Artistic abilities. Compassion and understanding. Birth of a child. An accommodating, well-mannered soul.
Strength - Reversed
In the Conscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: Cowardice. Breakdown. Not wanting to succeed and choosing surrender‹which is sometimes wise. Brittle, unflexing, outmoded dogma saps strength. Doubts. Anger. Impulsive behaviour. Acting on appetite alone. Strong enemy. Unjustified use of strength. A bully.
Knight of Wands
In the Past position
Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: A quick, clever man with a sense of humour. One with an unusual way of looking at life, recognizing patterns and opportunities missed by others. He is somewhat unpredictable, making for stimulating company. A man who inspires with his enthusiasm and gift of language. A considerate and loyal person. A journey or change of residence. Sound instincts.
Seven of Swords - Reversed
In the Past position
Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: Debasing of talents. Warning. Instruction. Having to contend with uneducated critics. Discouragement. Narrow views. A lack of support or understanding.
Nine of Pentacles
In the Final Outcome position
Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: Prudence. Assessment. Tallying. Successful handling of a multifaceted venture. Having speculated and been proven right. Planning and diplomacy. Care in choosing friends and confidants. Compassion, patience, and effort to understand others. Foresight and honourable behaviour. Popularity.
The World
In the Final Outcome position
Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: Ascension. Opening to a higher dimension. Culmination and synthesis. Enlightenment. Attaining a broader view of life. Moving beyond the personal to become aware of the interconnected nature of life. Harmony and perfection. Peace and freedom of thought. Inspiration and comprehension. Ecstasy. Glimpses, however brief, of the great mysteries of life. Being able to appreciate the larger scene or patterns in life. Faith. Epiphany. A heightened sense of being alive. Purpose. Confidence. Completion. Enjoying life and anticipating its curves. Unencumbered by the trivial. Being in control of one¹s fate. Intelligence. Independence. Determination and stability. Strength and enthusiasm. Intuition and spiritual heights. Crowning achievement. Reward and promotion. Graduation. Lasting happiness. As the last of the major arcana, the Universe represents the height of a progression. The Universe card is associated with the four evangelists, Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John, who in turn are equated with incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension, respectively.
Six of Pentacles
In the Outside Forces and Psychological Implications position
This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt.
Meaning: Sharing good fortune. The resolution to a problem. Receiving help, such as a timely commission. Charitable acts. Relief. The settling of a debt. Exchange. Entitlement. Rewarding someone for their effort. Supporting a cause or talent you admire. Balancing the scales. Restitution. Giving credit where deserved.