Selected Deck: The Llewellyn Tarot
Selected Layout: Ten Card Spread
In the Querent position
Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her. A court card here might refer to the querent or some dominant person.
Meaning: Evolution. Change, death, and transformation. A natural end to a situation, whether it be positive or negative; for example, the card may refer to the end of a relationship, illusion, financial source, or the completion of a project. Closure. Releasing of the past. The end of an era. Necessary change. Freedom that allows for renewal. Sudden change brings fears of the unknown, but ultimately alters life in such a way as to initiate new growth. May mean death, a fear of death, or a brush with death. Natural course and progression of life. Lastly, Death is sometimes portrayed as a beautiful and dignified figure since dying can be seen as a blessing in release from suffering.
Knight of Wands
In the Subconscious Mind position
Knight of Wands
Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: A quick, clever man with a sense of humour. One with an unusual way of looking at life, recognizing patterns and opportunities missed by others. He is somewhat unpredictable, making for stimulating company. A man who inspires with his enthusiasm and gift of language. A considerate and loyal person. A journey or change of residence. Sound instincts.
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: Hearing the call to a new life. Resurrection. Rebirth. New perception and purpose in life. A reawakening. Renewed enthusiasm. A rising destiny. Unexplored path. Invitation, recognizing new opportunities. Creating a new philosophy and purpose. Reaching a crossroads and assessing one¹s past life, motives, values, and progress. Rite of passage. Evaluating one¹s moral conscience and questioning what one has believed and valued up to this time. A clearing away of dogma, outside expectations, propaganda, and conventional, unquestioned wisdom that has accumulated and entombed one's life. Self-evaluation. Expanding vision and philosophy. Accepting responsibility for self-imposed limitations and how one's actions have affected others. Having the courage to make necessary changes to bring about growth and purpose.
Queen of Wands
In the Conscious Mind position
Queen of Wands
Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: An intelligent woman with a warm heart. She is admired for being self-made, having earned her standing in the world by way of her own hard work and talents. This experience makes her sensitive to the struggles of others she finds worthy. Courage, conviction, high ideals. A steadfast supporter. A woman who stimulates and teaches those around her. A person of intellectual influence. Politics and education. While she enjoys luxury, she values accomplishment and attempts to leave her mark on society.
Ten of Wands - Reversed
In the Conscious Mind position
Ten of Wands - Reversed
Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: Being foiled by a perceived shortcut. Being duped. Being distracted by glitter. Succumbing to intrigues. Being led astray. Shirking responsibilities. Shallow, self-serving philosophy.
Knight of Pentacles
In the Past position
Knight of Pentacles
Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: Hardworking young man with a traditional, orthodox outlook. Utility. An honest, responsible person. Solid progress. Methodical approach to large goals. Financial consultant. Commitment, perseverance, and stamina. A dependable man, if considered a little dull.
The Emperor
In the Past position
The Emperor
Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: A strong leader. A man of power and responsibilities. Protection. Conviction and self-sacrifice. A strong, masculine influence. Integrity and ethics. A father figure. Worldly power. Stability and reason. Compassion. Wisdom and aid. Conquest. Masculine, sexual energy. A competitive nature. Fair play. Competence. A flexible mind open to the ideas of others. Established, relaxed authority. Courage. Reason ruling emotion. Thought for the greater good.
The Horned One
In the Final Outcome position
The Horned One
Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: Nature. The call of the wild. Animal impulse and instinct. Primal knowledge. Ancestral memory. Tension between order and chaos. Reconciling the cultured vs. natural state of being. Originality. Desire and fertility. Enchantment, fascination, and magnetism. Healthy competition. The integration of animal behaviour and needs with the civilized conscious. The rise of primal instincts such as nesting, nurturing, herding, and protecting. The attuning of animal qualities and senses, which can be of great value in agility, cunning, and the intuition of threats or unnatural conditions. The wisdom of the subconscious making its influence felt via one¹s appetites and aversions. Nature has a cycle and rhythm to regulate our behaviours, keeping balance and order. If oppression, starvation, or cruelty disrupt this order, then abhorrent, chaotic, self-destructive behaviour can ensue, leading to the traditional interpretation of the Devil card that appears in many decks as card number fifteen, indicating controlling relationships, enslaving obsession, violence, abuse, and addictions. However, unless a negative interpretation is suggested by surrounding cards, the Horned One of this deck is a symbol of a healthy, life-enhancing wild nature.
Three of Wands - Reversed
In the Final Outcome position
Three of Wands - Reversed
Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: Difficulty getting a venture off the ground. Painful first steps. Premature attempt. Learning experience. Need for calm discipline, research, and thorough planning.
Nine of Cups
In the Outside Forces and Psychological Implications position
Nine of Cups
This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt.
Meaning: Fertile surroundings. Nourishment. Natural beauty. Delight. Romance. Summer's cauldron of all good things for the heart. Relief and well-being. Blossoming. Seduction and pleasures. Gentle, inspiring surroundings and company. Warm, encouraging atmosphere. Luck. The feel of enchanted evenings.