Selected Layout: Ten Card Spread
Your Tarot Reading
About the Cards in Your Reading
Page of Pentacles - Reversed
In the Querent position
Represents the querent and the question, as well as the primary influences surrounding him or her. A court card here might refer to the querent or some dominant person.
Meaning: Stalled communications. Impasse in negotiations. Misunderstanding. One who spends so much time on work or studies that social skills suffer from arrested development.
Queen of Cups
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the next card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: A woman of imagination. Romantic, compassionate air. One who encourages the dreams and talents of others. Generosity and care. A loyal lover. A genuine heart. Virtue. Protection. A cultured, refined woman who is wise in matters of the heart. For a male querent she can represent true love; for a woman a romantic confidant or rival. Even as rival she is just and honest, believing in fair play.
Five of Wands
In the Subconscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the subconscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the hidden influences which effect, but are not detected by the querent.
Meaning: Competition. Erratic energy. Confusion. Inconsistent effort. Preoccupation with material acquisitions. Appearing a fool in trying to keep up with the Joneses. Overspending. Impatience and stress. Waxing and waning of purpose. Clash of ideas and principles. Sloppy effort. Rebellion and turmoil. Breakdown of communication. Hurting others by giving mixed messages. Need to reevaluate situation, organize, and start afresh.
Six of Wands
In the Conscious Mind position
Along with the next card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: Acknowledgement of accomplishments. Victory parade. Accolades, admirers, and gratitude. Respect of one¹s peers. Contributing ideas to a group project or cause. Leadership and established reputation. Good standing. Recognized authority. Having the confidence of the community. A success being more than one had hoped for. A sense of satisfaction. An original, daring thought brings victory. Honours.
In the Conscious Mind position
Along with the previous card, represents the conscious mind of the querent. Gives information on the thoughts and feelings of the querent toward the nature of the question (which may or may not be in harmony with cards 2 & 3).
Meaning: Evolution. Change, death, and transformation. A natural end to a situation, whether it be positive or negative; for example, the card may refer to the end of a relationship, illusion, financial source, or the completion of a project. Closure. Releasing of the past. The end of an era. Necessary change. Freedom that allows for renewal. Sudden change brings fears of the unknown, but ultimately alters life in such a way as to initiate new growth. May mean death, a fear of death, or a brush with death. Natural course and progression of life. Lastly, Death is sometimes portrayed as a beautiful and dignified figure since dying can be seen as a blessing in release from suffering.
The Moon
In the Past position
Along with the next card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: Disorientation. Powerful emotions and imagination. Intuition. Empathy. Creativity and sensitivity. Illusion. Wild visions. Mercy. Intense, valuable dreams. A need to control emotions, lest one becomes fascinated by phantasmagoric dreams and flashes from the subconscious. The underworld. Primordial instincts. Powerful mood swings. Hysteria. Memory. Shadows. Shifting shapes. Familiar landscape transformed under the light of the moon. Seeking mysteries. Strange encounters. Personality complexes. Increasing sensitivity to unseen forces. Magnetism. Tides of emotion. Art source. A fertile period, but a need for conscious control over fears and imagination. The light of reason needed to guard against influence and deception.
Eight of Cups
In the Past position
Along with the last card, this card sheds light on the querent's past. Indicates past events or influences which relate to the current question or problem.
Meaning: Turning away. Giving up. Finding that something or someone was not a healthy influence. River run dry. Choosing to sacrifice in order to make a clean break and start afresh elsewhere. Abandoning a dream. Changing directions. The dawn of something new. A quest with heart. Bravery. Heeding the call.
Seven of Pentacles
In the Final Outcome position
Along with the next card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: Bounty comes of patience and ingenuity. The fair and just treatment of others. Growth in personal and business life. Feeling of well-being. Satisfaction in work. Profit. A card of goodwill. The repaying of past kindness. Stability and steady progress. Reaping what has been sowed.
The Magician
In the Final Outcome position
Along with the previous card, this card represents the final outcome or potential future events or influences.
Meaning: Talent and intelligence. A higher-comprehending mind. Purpose and skill. Independent thinker. Self-rule. Freedom. A person who is a force of art and creativity. Intuition. An inspiring, powerful voice. Commitment and communication. Eloquence and persuasion. Charm, confidence, and control. Talent that carries responsibility and casts one in an otherworldly light. Leadership and influence. Showmanship and dexterity. An ambiguous card, as the magician is also a trickster, a shadowy ringmaster, and a juggler. The unevolved magician character is a creature of appetite, impulse, and manipulation. Disregard of others and self-aggrandizing behaviour (resembling the rock star gone awry).
The Sun
In the Outside Forces and Psychological Implications position
This is the crossover card from past to future. This indicates the psychological implications on the querent or the actions he/she will take in making whatever decision may be necessary. It may also indicate forces operating beyond the control of the querent to which he/she must adapt.
Meaning: Triumph, success, and security. Growth, well-being, and nourishment. Solutions, faith, and glory. Sincerity in love. Play, vacation, and enjoying the blessings in life without analysis. Being present in the moment. Rejuvenation. Childlike innocence and playful manner. Youth. Trust. Blossoming. Thriving. Enjoying the pleasures of nature. Bounty after trials. Masculine, sexual energy. Summer love, country romance. Bright, warm days. Learning new skills through play. Thanksgiving. Birth of a child. Fame.
The Llewellyn Tarot
By: Anna-Marie Ferguson